Upper Body Sculpt #1
Time to sculpt that upper body to achieve those sexy, toned arms, a strong, toned back, and a good, solid core!
This workout will work a little bit of everything: chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps for a well-balanced routine that can be repeated once or twice a week. Of course, I think constantly changing your workouts will give you the best results so your body never gets used to what it is doing. But this is a well-rounded workout. Don't be fooled. Well-rounded does not mean easy!
After each complete set (all rounds completed), you will have 1 minute of active recovery. This keeps the calorie burn up. It may not seem like much, but it makes a difference! It's amazing how little things add up!
Beginners: 1-2 rounds of 8-10 reps per set
Intermediate: 2-3 rounds of 10-12 reps per set
Advanced: 4 rounds of 15 reps per set
You'll Need:
Lat Pull-Down Machine OR Resistance Band OR a Towel
Stairs to run OR Jump Rope
Decline Ab Bench (opt)
3x50 sec Decline Sit-ups (or just regular sit-ups); rest 10 sec
3x50 sec Heels to Heaven; rest 10 sec
3x50 sec V-sit Knee-ins; rest 10 sec
1 min Plank Bird-Dogs (Alt Arm-Leg Reach)
The Workout
Set 1: Perform 1-4 times in a row, no break
8-15 Push-ups
8-15 Lat Pull-Downs (w/ resistance band or machine)
8-15 Chest Fly
1 Minute Cardio: Jumping Jacks/Star Jumps
Set 2: Perform 1-4 times in a row, no break
8-15 Standing Overhead Press w/ Curtsy Squat
8-15 Bent-Over Fly
8-15 Tri-Plane Shoulder Raise (each way)
1 Minute Cardio: High Knees or Tuck Jumps
Set 3: Perform 1-4 times in a row, no break
8-15 Bicep Curl w/ Forward Lunge
8-15 Triceps Kick-Back
8-15 Push-up Rows
1 Minute Cardio: Stair Run (or Jump Rope)
Bonus Giant Set:
Perform 1 set of each exercise again, omitting the cardio intervals