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Workout Plan: 9/24-9/30

Ready for another week of workouts?

We're finishing out the month with the same lifting technique: contract quickly for 1 count and return to the starting position SLOWLY over 4 counts. It takes a lot of concentration to keep it slow and controlled and you may find that you cannot lift as much as you normally do because your muscles fatigue faster. But you are building a lot of strength and teaching your muscles how to "explode" into action! That is important for building strength and power.

Each month we are going to change up HOW we are lifting, so you constantly challenge your muscles in different ways. Plus it keeps the workouts interesting!

Here's to another AMAZING week!



*2-4 sets of 8-10 reps per exercise-- contract quickly, return to start over 4 counts


*2-4 sets of 8-10 reps per exercise-- contract quickly, return to start over 4 counts


Thursday: Torch-er #2


*2-4 sets of 8-10 reps per exercise-- contract quickly, return to start over 4 counts


Saturday: Get outside and play for at least 30 minutes


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