Workout Plan: Aug 26-Sep 1
It SURE feels good to be back in a stable workout routine again! We are killing it in the gym and have the sore muscles to prove it! ...

Workout Plan: Aug 19-25
School is BACK in session!!!! This time of year is a little bittersweet. I'm inwardly doing a happy dance so I can sleep a little more...

Workout Plan: July 15-21
This summer is going by so quickly! I've been focused on spending time with my family, so posting on here has taken a bit of a back seat....

Workout Plan: May 27-June 2
It's officially summertime here with my kids out of school! I made it through last week and got to enjoy an amazing weekend with my...

Workout Plan: May 20-27
May is the new December! Oh my heavens!! This has been such a crazy busy month as school is coming to a close. Fortunately, this is...

Workout Plan: May 13-19
Happy Mother's Day to all the women out there reading this today! I hope you feel loved and appreciated today. As I've been thinking...

4 Sleep Tips & Workout Plan: April 8-14
Spring Break is over and I'm super ready to hit the gym again! I don't usually set an alarm when I go on vacation, unless I have to get...

Workout Plan: March 11-17
I hope you've been watching my Instagram or Facebook posts. Even though we've been repeating all my original workouts, they are SO...

Workout Plan: Feb 25-March 3
The last two days have been sunny here, so I am getting super excited for Spring. I am SO glad February is almost over. It has been...

Workout Plan: Feb 18-24
This week most of our sessions a little more cardio-heavy to help increase the calorie burn and take off that extra winter layer before...