7 Fit Holiday Tips
The holiday season is such a wonderful time of the year, but it is also notorious for being a time of over-indulging and over-scheduling....

Workout Plan: December 4-10
This holiday season is kinda kicking my butt! How are you doing? I've gotten all my workouts in, but I haven't been very consistent with...

Workout Plan Nov 20-27
It's Thanksgiving week here in the United States, so it's often a busy time with lots of planning, traveling, and time spent with family...

5 Tips to Survive Halloween
Dreading Halloween this week and the onslaught of candy and sugary treats everywhere? Honestly, me too! I hate all the temptation all...

Workout Plan: October 16-22
This fall weather is absolutely gorgeous!!! I hope you've been able to get outside and enjoy the fall colors (or the spring growth for...

Workout Plan: Oct 9-15
October 9th is the best day of the year. It's my birthday and I'm turning 41, so I've created a special workout to celebrate. It's gonna...

Workout Plan: October 2-8
It's a new month and a new opportunity to recommit to your goals. Make it a point to: 1. Move every day. 2. Drink water. All day,...

Workout Plan: Sep 12-17
How are your habits going? I hope you are finding some success with your baby steps! Remember how I said that establishing strong,...

Creating Healthy Habits
Healthy habits are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. The more AUTOMATIC you can make something where you don't even think about...

Habits & Workout Plan: Aug 30-Sep 3
Habits. We all have 'em: good ones and less desirable ones. They drive pretty much everything we do. Habits are formed as we do things...