Full Body Burnout #6
I love a good full-body workout!
We're starting off with a 10-minute Plank warm-up, followed by 4 circuits that are going to get your heart pumping and tone your entire body.
The Protocol:
Complete all 3 exercises in each set with no/minimal breaks.
Depending upon your time and ability level, perform each set 1-4 times in a row.
Take a 1-2 minute break and move on to the next set.
Beginner: 1-2 rounds of 8-10 reps
Intermediate: 2-3 rounds of 10-12 reps
Advanced: 3-4 rounds of 15 reps
The Warm-up:
50 sec High Plank w/ Alt Wrist, Elbow & Shoulder Taps
10 sec rest
50 sec Low Plank w/ Alt Knee Dips and Spidermans
10 sec rest
50 sec High Plank w/ 2 Plank Jacks & Knee to Opposite Elbow
10 sec rest; Repeat 2 more times!!
1 min Plank Up-Downs
The Workout:
Set 1: 1-4 times in a row, including cardio
8-16 Alt Reverse Lunge w/ Bicep Curl
8-16Alt Forward Lunge w/ Arnold Curl
30 sec Jump Rope
Set 2: 1-4 times in a row, including cardio
8-15 Reverse Fly
8-15 Static Squat w/ W's
30 sec Stair Run
Set 3: 1-4 times in a row, including cardio
8-15 Deadlift
8-15 Straight Leg Deadlift
30 sec Jump Rope
Set 4: 1-4 times in a row, including cardio
10-20 3-Way Calf Raise
1-16 Sprinter Jumps
30 sec Stair Run
Giant Set (opt):
Repeat from the top and perform all exercises once through